6. What
is the history of the Canadian Military Engineers?
Canada would be less than the great country that it is today if it were
not for the contributions - during times of peace as well as conflict
- of its Military Engineers.
Military Engineers are ubiquitous, having opened the nation's heartland,
explored the far reaches of the Arctic barrens, and helped transform
once isolated trading posts into today's great cities. They endured hardship,
famine, severe climactic conditions and sickness. Their courage, steadfastness
and perseverance etched our country's heritage and history.
The first Military Engineers in Canada were French who in the early
1600s built a number of resource exploitation and strategic defence fortifications
in Quebec and Acadia. Habitations at Ville de Quebec, Sainte-Croix and
Port Royal are often cited. In 1685 the "ingenieurs du roi" became
the first professional engineer force to be permanently established.
They continued the process of building defence infrastructure and constructing
civil works - such as dockyards and roads - and community structures.
Much of their work was influential in creating a distinctive architecture
for that period. The façade of the "Cathedrale du Quebec" stands
today as a tribute.
With the arrival of British governance in 1763, Royal Engineers assumed
the tradition of constructing for defence and national development. Canadian
heritage records landmarks such as Fort Henry, Frontenac and William.
The historically significant Rideau Canal strategic waterway was built
circa 1832.
In 1855 the Province of Canada passed a Militia Act which provided that
the Active Militia would, in time of peace, consist of specified numbers
of volunteer troops. Effectively this was the birth of the Canadian Army.
Although the Military Engineers were not named in that Act, another in
1863 made them a part. It was November 1871, that the Royal Engineers
paraded for the last time, departing Canada as the last British troops
to embark. Canada was left ill prepared for defence, but attitudes derived
out of the prevailing time of peace led to little in the way of military
The 1899 Boer War clearly impressed upon Government the need for a permanent
army. In this context the General Officer Commanding the Canadian Militia
recommended the organization of a permanent corps of Military Engineers.
The then Deputy Minister stated that "…the development of
the Department…made it desirable that the Engineer Services be
organized as a Military Branch…under military supervision and discipline." General
Order 168 of November 1903 authorized a "Canadian Engineer Corps." In
1904 His Majesty the King approved use of the prefix "Royal."
The "Great War" saw Royal Canadian Engineers dispatched to
Europe with the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Included were adjunct military
engineers such as tunnellers, railway troops and foresters. More that
40,000 "Sappers" were involved, many sacrificing their lives
on famous battlefields such as Somme and Vimy Ridge. Post war demobilization
reduced the establishment to approximately 200.
Between the wars, the non-permanent force of Canadian Engineers joined
with the Royal Canadian Engineers to form a new Corps of the Royal Canadian
Engineers (RCE). In 1938 the Corps was highly honoured when His Majesty
the King became Colonel-in-Chief. As currently serving monarch, Queen
Elizabeth II is Colonel-in-Chief to the Canadian Military Engineers.
With the declaration of war in 1939, RCE units were reorganized and
equipped. In December of that year, numbers had increased and a First
Canadian Divisional Engineers was formed. The RCE was involved in the
majority of Canadian operations, including those of Dieppe, North Africa,
Italy, D-day, France, Holland and Germany. The end of war strength overseas
was 18,000.
A Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Construction Engineering Branch was
created in 1939, partly in response to the facilities need of the Commonwealth
Air Training Plan. War and post-war constructions were great in number
- particularly airfields and strategic radar sites.
A Civil Engineering Branch of the Royal Canadian Navy(RCN) came into
being at the beginning of WWII. Although very small in numbers, they
achieved much of the construction of port facilities on Canadian shores.
Military Engineers were called to arms during the Korean conflict. Involvement
included road, bridge, airfield and camp constructions, as well as combat
The Canadian Forces Reorganization Act of 1968 led to the bringing together
of Navy, Army and Air Force Engineers to form, in 1971, the Canadian
Military Engineer Branch. As an integrated engineer force they continue
to serve Canada at home and internationally. Military Engineers have
mapped much of Canada and all of the High Arctic. In the North, Military
Engineers led the way in building the strategic North Warning System,
airfields and bridges. At present, Military Engineers are actively engaged
in humanitarian missions, peacekeeping with the United Nations and NATO,
providing airport and Navy fire, crash and rescue services, and international
mapping and charting. In recent times they provided emergency civil engineering
support to disasters such as the 1997 Manitoba flood and the 1998 Eastern
Canada Ice Storm. The Canadian Military Engineers have acquired domestic
and international acclaim for their work in anti-mine operations.
The mission of the Canadian Military Engineers is to contribute to the
survival, mobility, and combat effectiveness of the Canadian Forces.
Their roles are to conduct combat operations, support combat forces in
war and peace, support national development, provide assistance to civil
authorities, and support international aide programmes. Canadian Military
Engineers are highly trained team players. They perform their tasks with
tenacity and determination. Professionalism and rigorous training allow
them to operate the most sophisticated equipment yet, when required,
place tools aside and fight as infantry. They serve wherever the need
arises, proud of their motto "Ubique." Arguably, few other
organizations, civilian or military, have contributed as much to the
defence and development of this nation as have the Canadian Military